Venturing Offshore of Southwest Florida into the depths, which very gradually get you deeper and less explored territory. My port, Gordon's Pass, sits just north of Keewaydin Island in Southern Naples and is noted for having fantastic fishing year round. Virtually any species of fish can be found Offshore of Naples Florida. Charter fishing in general is tough business but consistently finding the fish, charter or not, is what it's all about. You have to find a way to catch the best fish at the worst time. Tides, currents, algae blooms, pressure, time frames, equipment,etc effect the outcome of each trip.
Having a set gameplan is key to success too, although it is fun to get out and explore new territory. For fishing and spearfishing you really want to have your game plan dialed in during the winter months. Not catching fish and its cold sucks!
I will be posting more trips and stories from Offshore Naples Fish & Dive Charters, exclusive to this website so stay tuned! Check Coastal Angler Magazine Naples Edition in a sports store near you for additional material. You can check out more Offshore Naples stories here
